The Family Tree Program provides family counseling at no cost to families in Denton and Dallas Counties. The Family Tree Program generally provides family counseling to families who are experiencing change in life circumstances, school issues, behavioral issues, communication breakdowns, grief, and general family struggles.

All of our services are FREE to eligible families.

Our services include short-term:

  • Family Counseling
  • Youth Skills Classes
  • Parent Skills Classes

The Family Tree Program helps families grow in the following areas:

  • Family Functioning/Resiliency
  • Social/Emotional Support
  • Concrete Support
  • Nurturing and Attachment

Families are usually eligible if…

  • They have a youth 17 or younger in the home
  • The youth has never been adjudicated of a crime
  • Presenting issue can be served in the short-term services provided


Is this too good to be true?

  1. Are these services free?

    Yes. Paid for by the State of Texas.

  2. Are you using college interns or something?
    No. Our therapists are licensed professionals. Other clients pay them $100+/ hour for their services.

  3. Is there an income limit to be eligible?
    No. All income levels are eligible.

  4. Are these normal families like mine?
    Yes. Most of our families need help with basic parent-child communication, parenting, or common teen issues.

  5. Are there eligibility exceptions?
    Yes. We can’t serve adjudicated youth.
    We CAN serve deferred adjudication youth.

* Clients must enter into services voluntarily, and their presenting problem must be appropriate for brief therapy.